Blog Shop Payment Info via auto E-mail Responder

product order checkout
How To's Editing your e-mail invoicing data
Price RM23.60
Description Tips on editing your e-mail data for auto invoicing received upon successful customers purchase orders.
Code Location Location code > Template > Edit HTML
More Details The auto e-mail invoice received once your customer fill the simple form and checkout pertains enough information on orders and your blogshop details.

Here's a brief look through on the details from the codes provided in the blogshop template per line:-

data.shop_name = "My Online Shop"; 

This data will output your blog store name on the e-mail invoice. It's located on the top most header and also at the e-mail title field.

data.shop_url = ""; 

This will be your blog shop url. This field will create links to data in the e-mail invoice.

data.shop_thankyou = "";

This is the URL that will re-direct the sender once success submission from your checkout form. Please include the proper URL without the trailing slashes.

data.shop_email = ""; 

Your e-mail address will be shown on the body of the e-mail invoice. This e-mail address will be the point of reply-to in customer's email inbox.

data.shop_currency = "MYR"; 

This will set the currency used/set for your blogshop. Change this to consistently output the currency with your shopping cart settings.

data.shop_bizname = "Irsah Indesign Cart Theme";

This field will output in your blogshop business details in the e-mail body. Normally a company name is best (or brand).

data.shop_bizaddress = "P15, Cahaya, 68000 KL Malaysia"; 

This field will output on the e-mail body in the company detail section. A clear address is required in making sure positive relationship transactions in the later.

data.shop_bizphone1 = "017-361 8321";
data.shop_bizphone2 = " 016-361 8321"; 
data.shop_bizphone3 = " 019-361 8321" ;

These three fileds will output the telephone numbers in the contact details. For the first top most filed, the handphone number is best due its setting in conjunction with the sms field output.

The later, you can included fax number, office number which ever you feel required.

data.bank1 = "MAYBANK"; 
data.bank1_acc_no = "1234 1234 1234 12"; 
data.bank1_acc_name = "Ahmad bin Abu"; 
data.bank2 = "CIMB"; 
data.bank2_acc_no = "4567 9876 1234 89"; 
data.bank2_acc_name = "Ali bin Bapoo"; 
data.bank3 = "BANK ISLAM"; 
data.bank3_acc_no = "4321 1234 4321 1234"; 
data.bank3_acc_name = "Siti Nurhaliza";

These are the datas for your banking accounts and transactions.

In* = you can include your banking name and address too. But the number of charcters are limited to 160 chars.*_acc_no = your full banking account number for easy payment either on-line or over the counter.*_acc_name = the name registered with the bank account. Please state in full the name provided for the above account.

Some general note.

You can include additional data within the " " (quotes) as desired, but you can NOT add nor change codes with the above format.

Be in mind, for security reasons, please do not include:-

  1. Your social security number
  2. Any credit card numbers
  3. Your personal identification number NRIC
  4. Your passport number
  5. Any security number withheld by you.

The data above is enough to make transactions as all payment online requires:-

  • e-mail address
  • account holder full name
  • banking account number.

Banking systems have already taken care for us on the safety and security for your accounts online and offline.

Upload Product Image Activate FancyZoom

product image upload tutorial
How To's Upload your product image in the post pages
Price RM75.50
Description How to upload a product image easily to your Blogger product/post pages
Moderation Easy
Details While editing your Blogger post pages uploading your product image is made much more easier. Here are the simple eteps to upload your product image.

  1. Make sure your image is squared with a minimum size of 200px x 200px.
  2. In editing mode, hover your mouse to the empty space on the left side of the default product image.
  3. Click at it and making sure the cursor blinka besides the default image.
  4. Now Click on the upload image icon > select your new product image > upload > add selected image.
  5. The image will resize accordingly in the table.
  6. Now select the default image and click the " remove " link.

You can also upload supporting images to the body of your product page. You can upload any image sizes to the post product body but the system will select "medium" size for default.

Sizes larger than this will distort your product tables. This is why we opt for the FancyZoom feature provided by Blogger :-)

Make sutre FanzyZoom setting is turned on in Dashboard > Settings > Other Setting > Lighbox feature.

Gallery Title Link Issue Workaround

health product malaysia offer
Issue Awkward display of page title links in gallery page.
Price RM22.50
Cause Duplicate H3 title tags in product page body. 
Status Common / Issue / Workaround
Workaround Since the product pages are optimized even for the homepages and archived pages, duplicate H3 tags is the cause of awkward homepage title links display, as shown in thumbnail above.

The simple workaround is to make sure there are no duplicate H3 titles in your product pages. Select "Sub-Menu" option to highlight your sub-titles in the body of your product pages content. (refer image below)

How to highlight sub titles in shopping cart body.

7 Promising Malaysian On-line Supplier Wholeseller

product dropship list
Sub Malaysian Dropshippers Wholesellers Suppliers Product Release.
Price RM84.20
Description List of active, reliable and most engaged dropshippers/suppliers by agents around the world including Malaysian bloggers.
Category Start on-line business
More Details As we've just introduced our collections of small business blogshop themes and template, we've received a massive amount of e-mail's from fellow bloggers on where and how to start.

Well, for one thing, it depends. What do you aim for and how committed you are on your on-line business? For this case, here we are listing 7 promising dropshippers wholesellers, reliable and actively providing quality products for their agents to start up your on-line business.

Do take not that, to properly select the one's suitable for your on-line business environment, study these dropshipper's supplier background as much as you can. Read from users feedback , blogs or any articles which can lead you to the right direction.

7 Promising Dropshippers Agents Malaysian Do Business With

-In random order.


Malaysia's largest fashion bag/handbag supplier with price offered at the lowest for quality goods. Handbag Wholsale.My has its own factory in China, Indonesia and Thailand to produce quality and guaranteed supply to all dealer's around the world.

The products introduced were carefully with strict quality control. A plus point as their goods are cetified with "Halal" certifications in order to fulfill Malaysia's customer's demand.

Currently stocks their latest trendy and fashionable goods. This is to facilitate the high demand by dealers and also to keep with the market trend.

Goods available from handbags, bags, dresses, designer perfumes women's accessories, tops, a few men's clothing, men's jacket and backpacks.


Demi Borong which means wholeseller/supplier in Malay has variety of product selection to choose for your on-line business.

Items from clothing such as blouses, Muslimah scarfs, t-shirts, branded women's shirts and trousers, jeans, the baju kebaya (traditional Malay dress), baby clothings, handbag supplies, Men's branded shirts and pants, health food products, the Musllimah kaftan and jubah, Muslimah Tee's and maternity dresses.

Currently their products produced from outside of Malaysia factories and kept in stock located in Seremban Negeri Sembilan, about an hour car drive from Kuala Lumpur.

Membership is charged MYR50 for a lifetime fee.


Creating young and promising entrepreneurs through the internet is what Edy Mall is aiming for. Using info technology, entrepreneurs can share ideas and developed their ongoing businesses skills.

Items and goods offered from health suppliments, special men's health products, women's products, books, e-books, technological products and also Islamic products.

Edy Mall also includes several wholesale priced items for your business selection.

MYR100 is required upon registration with Edy Mall but before that, users get 30 day FREE access to use EdyCart, their in-house shopping store cart.

After the 30 day FREE access period, registered users are charged MYR1 per day.

Young Khalifah

Young Khalifah supplies Islamic items and products to sell and also services such as ranging from children's clothing and learning tools, children's playgroup and also parents circles.

Detail supplied items by Young Khalifah includes, their own Islamic clothing line, creative books, eduicational products, Muslimah attire, Muslimah clothings and accessories including men's items.

Users are required to registered with Young Khalifah with a membership fee of MYR135.


As a business partner with Heartbeat, you ONLY need to find customers who are looking for gifts and design the photos for them. Then you just upload the final photo (jpg) to Heartbeat for gift printing.

Heartbeat will do the rest like gift printing, quality control, packaging and deliver to your customer or to you directly.

Services includes custom printed mugs, t-shirts, pillow cushions, printed handphone casing, velvet box, photo box, printed button, keychain and anything you can imagine for custom printing.

Currently Heartbeat has more than 100 unique items for grabs and can be pushed on to your up-coming on-line store.

MoonAbaya.Com dropship programme allows you to make good money selling jubah (Muslimah attire) online either through your website, blogshops, forums and facebook pages.

You can also sell them to your family, friends and colleagues. What's great about MoonAbaya jubah dropship programme is you don't need to keep stock or get stuck with items that you can't sell.

Only buy from MoonAbaya after you make the sale, and then pocket your commission.


MYR300 registration fee is required to set-up your on-line shop, here at Muslim Niaga. A monthly MYR50 members fee is also required for your on-line shop registered with their domain.

They provide an on-line store for you to start your business with more than 250 goods to sell on your shop/store. Once registered with Muslim Niaga, you are entitled to become one of their nominated suppliers.

Last Words

Hopefully this list will help you out in finding reliable dropshippers or whole-sellers/suppliers for your on-line store.

Do consider choosing the products offered by these on-line suppliers and most important is to read thoroughly their terms and conditions.

There you go, a list of promising on-line suppliers for you to jump start your on-line blogshop or store. Make full use of supporting services offered by these whole-sellers/suppliers/dropshippers websites in providing you the initial setup for your on-line business.

E-Mail Notifier/Invoice A Reality Check

Send form product e-mail invoicing for blog store
Topic Why use e-mail notifier/invoice?
Price RM42.80
Description Reality check on current blogshop users trends and e-commerce  blog store owners guide.
Category Blogshop initial setup
Details Before setting up your blog shop or blog store, it could be wise to study what's current and what's not! You will have a general idea on how the online small business works and how to get the most from it.

Let's take a random case study. Here in our template and articles, we also post great info which we actually face while building and developing our client friends e-commerce store (website) and even their blogshops!

SimpleCart checkout and payment integration.

Providing a simpler item/product select for your on-line store would be an added advantage. With the help from shopping cart (by wojodesign group) as a medium to store data, would ease user in navigating and place required purchase orders.

Unlike the outside world, here in Malaysia, customer's or visitor's who purchase items from on line blog stores are keen on e-mail systems and notifications. They like to fill forms but with minimal details as possible???

A case study on couple of our client's blogshop, 1 out of 48 purchase orders in a week, are coming from payment gateway systems, for example PAYPAL or Google Wallet.

While the rest, surprisingly preferred on-line banking or ATM transactions. And from the purchase orders, 85% went through (confirmed payments) via e-mail and banking transactions, and only 5% confirmed their payments via online payment gateway.

So, we can safely assume that Malaysian on-line users/shoppers are still "conventional" per say, in on-line transaction methods, as in our personal opinion, payment gateway system would actually work best for e-commerce blogs or websites.

A profesionally build e-mail notification and invoice.

With that said, using e-mail as notifier and also as an on-line invoicing would be a great help! This is due to users can get more options in finalizing their payments/purchase orders to your shop with the simple use of one's e-mail address.

FYI, an e-mail addresses is actually used to send payment in various transactions, either payment gateway or on-line banking transfer (which includes your account number). You can easily oversee your customer's transactions breaking point tto help improve your blog shop services after.

E-mails is somewhat personal, you as the blog store owner could liaise with your customer more conveniently and build a healthy relationship. If the purchase does not go through, you can still get in touch with them and provide more updates from your shop directly to their mail.

Please, by gathering these information, do not over send e-mails, as once tagged "SPAM", your e-mail address would smell trouble to other mailing providers.

To conclude, get the reality check! Study on what would be best for your blog store and try to foresee how would your future customer flow and payment methods would be preferred.

It's great to have versatile shopping cart script like SimpleCart.js by wojodesign group. With a few tweaks, you can quickly change your blog store payment system from e-mail send from setting to re-directs to secured payment gateway systems.

You can actually switch to the payment options which will work best or better yet, get all of the payment system available on your store! That would be a plus option for your users.

Stay tuned to our blogs and support articles for customization features, updates and tutorials. Hopefully you can start up your on-line business in no time :-)

Irsah inDesigns


2012 My BlogShop Tool | Designed by: Irsah inDesigns | More Template at Blogger Template Collection